Thursday, April 1, 2010


Its been almost 5 months since I actually went to phillip island (as depicted below)
clearly a massive fail thats it taken me this long to post these pictures... suppose I have a tendency to live in the past anyway

this was taken by my beautiful friend libby, I love lending people my camera, it's like seeing the world through their eyes for a day; I already spend alot of time daydreaming what it would be like to someone else... though it's probably beyond my imagination
the rest I took. As you can tell I love the 'people walking along a lonely path shrowded with trees' concept, there's another picture like this in the post fresh air...

and when we sunbathing on the beach two minutes walk from our house

and when I wanted a typical, dorky, 'LOVE' sign. (oh so hard to position the camera in this photo though! guess whose holding it)

and dario when we went dune surfing on this huge sandy hill with body boards. if there wasn't a clear path, halfway down the hill one would probably fall off and roll down sideways haHA

I'm at the top of that pyramid; fell off and rolled my ankle in a weird way when I think it was aaron (on the bottom left) gave way. never being the top of a pyramid ever again.!

aaron climbing up the dune/hill of sand (yeah, those little dots in the distance are people)
kira sleeping (which she did for most of the holiday) and kitty

to whom it does concern,

kira walking to the dunes, don't know what I inadvertently double exposed this with

the view from the top of the dune

hayley. the water looks beautiful, but even with the sun, it was so so cold

and the entire group of us. darius' dad took this photo. here goes -
james, bronwyn, aaron, alison, jono, darius, kitty, libby, emma, kristyn, kira, hayley and I.

the trip was amazingly free. the first time I've been away from all authoritative forces (parents, teachers, etc.) for an entire week. that^ was just before we were to go home


  1. oh my gosh - that LOVE photo is pretty awesome!!!
    Looks like you had heaps of fun! :)
