Thursday, January 29, 2009

in the family

meet the family i suppose...

that's Amanda and Darren on the way to ... can't even remember, fun journey though - we were completely hysterical for the most part.

on the way out from colombo where we stayed with my aunt Anto (who is actually in australia with us now) and Amanda; they are out front of this über four story building that was their house. it was right next to this army air base so if you went to the top of it you could see the planes flying out a few metres above you.

dad standing serenely at the door to the Kandy house. round the corner was a milk bar or 'kadday' as they call it there where there's these really nice chocolate finger biscuit packs. they were really yum and cost only 10 cents! so i went through 'bout five packets that day.

my uncle Russell and aunt Chandrani at the house in kandy (front view), upstairs is where these two live with their three sons (my cousins), and downstairs was where my nana lived and my other uncle Alcon along with the servants.

uncle Tresil and aunt Sarojini at their house on the way to Peradeniya university. The uni is absolutely beautiful (which i tried to capture but failed due to lack of light) anywho that's in a different post.

there was also a pic of me and my bro and my uncle Emmerson (who i adore!), but it's way dark and has absolutely no photographical merit. sigh.

1 comment:

  1. hy!
    Congratulations for your blog!
    Gracias! Obrigado!
    José Antonio desde São pAULO bRAZIL
